About us

Cultivating spaces of safety, together. Building trust and taking collective action.

Our Vision is to create an equitable world founded on connection and empathy.

Where people are valued for their uniqueness and empowered to live fulfilled lives.

“Structural and systemic causes within the system are human-made. They don’t just exist, they’ve been created. And because they’re human-made, those systems can be changed.”

John McGlone - community member

Our Mission

  • We Empower

    We empower organisations to see people as more than just numbers on a spreadsheet and to recognise the value of human experiences.

  • We Share

    We share knowledge and provide practical support to understand and re-distribute power.

  • We Cultivate

    We cultivate spaces where people with lived and learnt experiences of social systems - such as housing and health & social care - can feel safe, connect as humans and drive systemic change.


Our Values

  • Build relationships, connect with, and value, each other. Create spaces where differences and tensions can be explored with trust and compassion.

  • Shift power relationships that are controlling, to more collective power. Maintain awareness surrounding the interdependent nature of the world.

  • Hear each other, decide on actions and create change, together.

  • Be flexible and willing to change course if necessary. Have a learning mindset and consider individual and group reflection.


Power With People

Partners & Supporters